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Bio- Enzymatic Cleaners & Beneficial Bacteria

Although they aren’t a new technology, bio- enzymatic cleaners are gaining popularity and getting looked at more closely by cleaning professionals, and rightfully so. However, many people question: What are they and how do they work? Bio- enzymatic cleaners are cleaning products

Rotavirus – About

Rotavirus (gastroenteritis) is a non-enveloped virus that causes severe diarrhea and is common among infants and young children. In some cases, severe dehydration can occur in young children and would require hospitalization due to large amount of water loss. There is also a chance of

Tips on using disinfectants

For areas where disinfectants are regularly used, such as in food service industries or hospitals, proper disinfectant choice is imperative. How disinfectants are used is also important. Below are some helpful tips to using disinfectants. Understand product instructions and applicatio

Norovirus Outbreaks – Schools

Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes the stomach and intestines to become inflamed. This leads to vomiting and diarrhea. Norovirus is often referred to as the stomach flu or food poisoning. Norovirus is spread by contaminated food and surfaces, and is especially contagio

Trends in Restroom Care and Maintenance

The appearance of the restroom can have an important impact on how a customer or user perceives a facility. A clean and fresh restroom will leave the customer with a positive overall experience in the facility, but a dirty or odorous restroom may cause the customer to avoid the facili

2015-2016 Flu Season

Getting the flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself from the influenza virus. Health officials recommend that a person receive the annual flu vaccine to become protected from the latest flu strain; an antigenic drift or a small change in the influenza virus can occur every yea

C. Diff. Infection Control

C. Diff. (Clostridium Difficile) is a bacterium that causes inflammation of the colon. People can become infected if they touch a surface contaminated with feces. The bacteria can also be spread through the hands of healthcare workers. Symptoms of infection include diarrhea, fever, na

Hand Washing and Flu Season

Do you have proper hand washing techniques? Keeping hands clean is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs, bacteria and to protect yourself from becoming infected with the flu. A study conducted by Michigan State University indicated that about 5 percent of people properl

Mildew Removal from Grouted Tile

Ceramic tile and grout, most commonly used in restrooms, locker rooms, and similar areas, can be difficult to clean and maintain. The grout is the main problem, as ceramic tile is mostly impermeable while grout is very porous. When mold and mildew removal become involved, the task can

What is quat binding in disinfectants?

Quaternary ammonium chloride, or quat, is an active ingredient found in many disinfectants. When disinfectants are used at the correct dilution, quats are effective against bacteria and viruses. However, if quat binding occurs, quats can become very ineffective. Quat binding is when t