Phone: 651-481-1900

Infection Control in Animal Shelters & Hospitals

Animal care facilities, much like our hospitals and healthcare facilities, face challenges of preventing the spread of disease within the hospital, shelter, or clinic. Keeping an animal hospital clean and sanitized is essential to preventing the spread of infections and keeping both a

Ebola Virus Update

Ebola virus causes hemorrhagic fever in humans, which is a severe and often fatal disease. Symptoms, including headache, high fever, unexplained bleeding, and vomiting, may appear anywhere from 2 to 21 days after exposure to the virus; a person is only contagious when showing symptoms

Dealing With Common Carpet Care Problems

When properly cared for, carpet is a great flooring option. It provides a warm feel to the facility and can significantly improve indoor air quality. However, if carpet is not cared for properly, it can quickly cause problems. By becoming familiar with some common carpet care problems

Dilution Control – Metering Tips

Metering tips are often used in dilution control equipment to regulate the mixing ratio between a concentrate and water. Other common way to regulate dilution control is to dilute the product by hand. Manual dilutions, however, can be time consuming and inaccurate. With a metering tip

Air Quality: Hard Flooring vs. Carpet

The debate regarding air quality between using carpet and hard flooring has long been an issue. Many school districts and administrators believe that carpets negatively affect indoor air quality. On the hard flooring side, advocates suggest that debris gets trapped in the carpet fiber

Influenza (Flu) Infection Control

Getting the flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself from the influenza virus. Health officials recommend that a person receive a flu shot every year. This is because an antigenic drift, or a small change in the virus, can occur each year, resulting in a new strain. Despite bei

Maintaining Entryways During Snow Season

With the winter season approaching, snow removal creates extra challenges for buildings and facilities. As snowy parking lots and sidewalks are treated with salt and ice melt, it all gets tracked into buildings when employees, customers, and visitors enter it, wreaking havoc on floors

Mopping: Tips For Proper Floor Maintenance

When it comes to floor care, proper maintenance is key. Proper floor maintenance keeps your floor cleaner and safer for longer, lengthens the period between strips, and ultimately reduces maintenance costs, all the while making your facility look much nicer. One of the most common flo

Preparing for LEED v4® Certification

The US Green Building Council (USGBC) has established a new version of their LEED® building certification, called LEED v4®. This new version of LEED® has various new requirements and updates (to read more about the updates that pertain to green cleaning, read our blog post and white p

Influenza (Flu) Infection & Disease

Flu season is just around the corner and understanding what the flu is can help protect you from becoming infected. Influenza (flu) is a highly contagious virus that causes respiratory illness. There are three types of influenza viruses: A, B, and C. Influenza A and B viruses are what