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Norovirus – GII.17 Kawasaki

Norovirus causes food-related illnesses and is not to be mistaken as a respiratory illness because it does not spread through breathing or coughing. N

Cleaning tips to keep people healthy during cold and flu season

One of the highest profile examples of how sanitation impacts business is the recent outrbreak of e-coli and norovirus illnesses at a major restaurant

Choosing a Burnishing Pad

High speed burnishing is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to maintain a high gloss floor. However, many people have trouble understanding ho

Floor Care During the Winter Season

Salt, snow, ice, and other particulate soils that trail onto hard surface floors can be a never-ending battle for your customers during the winter sea

Bio- Enzymatic Cleaners & Beneficial Bacteria

Although they aren’t a new technology, bio- enzymatic cleaners are gaining popularity and getting looked at more closely by cleaning professiona

Rotavirus – About

Rotavirus (gastroenteritis) is a non-enveloped virus that causes severe diarrhea and is common among infants and young children. In some cases, severe

Tips on using disinfectants

For areas where disinfectants are regularly used, such as in food service industries or hospitals, proper disinfectant choice is imperative. How disin

Norovirus Outbreaks – Schools

Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes the stomach and intestines to become inflamed. This leads to vomiting and diarrhea. Norovirus is of