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What is the best way to eliminate urine odor from carpet?

A persistent problem for carpet cleaners is removing the urine odor smell resulting from human or pet accidents on carpet.  That foul smell that we of

Chemistry Works! What is Orbio 5000 sc?

Chemistry Works!  How do cleaning products work?  Every day, people use cleaning chemicals to remove dirt and unwanted contaminants from surfaces. Thr

Chemistry Works! How do cleaning products work?

Chemistry Works! How do cleaning products work? Every day, people use cleaning chemicals to remove dirt and unwanted contaminants from surfaces. Throu

Commercial Floor Cleaning Chemicals | What is the best floor cleaning chemical by Multi-Clean?

Multi-Clean has been a trusted brand of commercial floor cleaning chemicals, detergents, degreasers and floor maintenance products for nearly 72 years

Chemistry Works! Get the Facts: Are All Chemicals Bad? by Multi-Clean

When you hear the word CHEMICAL, what comes to mind?  If you listen to marketers of so called chemical free cleaning systems, they would have you beli

White Paper: Chemical Free: Reality of Just Marketing Hype

Visit to view this and other white papers. At the recent ISSA show, attendees were subjected to numerous exhibitors

Selling Clean…Solving Problems Leads to Increased Sales

When it comes to selling just about anything, one might wonder why some sales people are so successful, and other are not. The sale of cleaning and ma

Lynx are WNBA Champions

Lynx are WNBA Champions 2011 with help from Multi-Clean. Being from Minnesota, I guess we are a state that is starved for a sports team that wins it a