Phone: 651-481-1900

Do All Floor Degreasers have to be Corrosive?

If your company is a manufacturer or service company where floors get greasy and oily, you most certainly are using an industrial degreaser of some ki

How to fix slippery gym floors

Gym floors that become slippery can be a serious problem.  Sports floors that lack the necessary traction can result in injuries that sideline athlete
picture of a hospital patient in bed with a dr or nurse standing beside the bed

Disinfecting Against Candida Auris (C. Auris)

A relatively new, drug resistant pathogen called Candida Auris (C. Auris) has recently been making headlines related to infection outbreaks in hospita

Disinfecting Against Ringworm

At Multi-Clean, we receive a number of technical service inquiries on what disinfectants are appropriate to prevent the transmission of ringworm.  Thi
Picture of spraying stain remover on carpet

Carpet Spotting

Carpet spotting is a method used to remove carpet stains. Getting stains out of carpets can range from easy to difficult and time consuming depending

Electrostatic Spray Application of Disinfectants in Healthcare

A New Tool For Healthcare to help prevent the spread of contagious illness and Healthcare Acquired Infections Illnesses which are Costly to Hospitals

Floor Stripper Procedure

Floor stripping is the removal of a floor wax and/or sealant. Before a floor finish is applied, stripping is required to ensure better results in floo

Choosing a Deodorizer

An odor is one of the most noticeable characteristics of a building or facility, and a bad odor can serve as an indication to customers or visitors th