Phone: 651-481-1900

Why a Neutralizing Rinse Might Be Beneficial For Your Carpet

When extraction cleaning a carpet, it is commonplace to use plain water as a rinse. But, there are some benefits to using a neutralizing rinse rather than just plain water. Some interim carpet maintenance procedures can leave detergent residue on your carpet. Bonnet cleaning in partic

Floor Scrubbers Burnishers Vacuums Finish Applicators at Multi-Clean, Inc.

Hard Floor Care At Multi-Clean, Inc., we are always looking for new and innovative ways to help our clients keep their work places clean and safe. Floor care can be a large part of that effort for an office or work area. We carry a wide selection of floor care equipment. Definitions A

How to Properly Care for Your Carpets is Easy with the Multi-Clean Method | Carpet Cleaning Methods

Carpet Cleaning Methods The appearance and life of your carpet depends on the care it receives.  Proper cleaning helps safeguard your carpet investment by keeping you from having to replace it before its time. The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) recommends the following ingredients tha