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image of the virus that causes COVID-19

Disinfecting Against the Omicron Variant and other SARS-CoV-2 Variants

On November 26, 2021, the World Health Organization classified a new corona virus variant B.1.1.529 (variant of SARS-CoV-2), and named it Omicron.  WHO has declared Omicron as a ‘Variant of Concern’. Omicron is a Variant of Concern All viruses constantly change through mut

Disinfecting Against the New Corona Virus Variants

New Corona Virus Variants Causing Concern Each day we are hearing in the news about the emergence of new virus strains of the human corona virus that causes COVID-19.  There are some indications the strains are more virulent and can produce more serious illness, creating concerns amon

Disinfectants effective against Novel Corona Virus SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19

The Novel Human Corona Virus that originated in Wuhan China now called SARS-CoV-2 the cause of COVID-19 has been declared a pandemic.  This global health concern appears to be escalating as new information is coming out on a daily basis. This blog post is specific to disinfectants tha

How to Disinfect Against Human Coronavirus

How to disinfect against Human Corona Viruses News reports out of China include the recent identification of a new form of a viral agent called a Corona Virus that could become a world wide health concern. The previously unidentified virus was believed to be contracted by a human at a