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Bio-Enzyme Cleaners and Deodorizers

Bio-Enzyme products are an emerging category of green cleaning products that harness the power of cleaning chemistry with naturally occurring microbes that consume waste. This green chemistry is capable of doing more than just cleaning surfaces. What are Bio-Enzyme Cleaning Products a

Choosing a Deodorizer

An odor is one of the most noticeable characteristics of a building or facility, and a bad odor can serve as an indication to customers or visitors that the building is dirty, regardless of its appearance. Even if a facility appears or looks clean, it may not smell clean. Malodors can

Selecting the Right Deodorizer

An odor is one of the most noticeable characteristics of a building or facility, and a bad odor can serve as an indication to customers or visitors that the building is dirty, regardless of its appearance. Even if a facility appears or looks clean, it may not smell clean. Malodors can

The Nose Knows: Summer Heat brings out the smells

The smells from rotting food or other organic waste is created by bacteria that are decomposing the waste.  One of the most common types of odor causing bacteria are called “proteus vulgaris”.  These particular bacteria create foul smelling by-products as they consume the waste.  To o

Bio- Enzymatic Cleaners & Beneficial Bacteria

Although they aren’t a new technology, bio- enzymatic cleaners are gaining popularity and getting looked at more closely by cleaning professionals, and rightfully so. However, many people question: What are they and how do they work? Bio- enzymatic cleaners are cleaning products

Choosing the Right Deodorizer

An odor is one of the most noticeable characteristics of a building or facility, and a bad odor can serve as an indication to customers or visitors that the building is dirty, regardless of its appearance. Even if a facility appears or looks clean, it may not smell clean. Malodors can