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Earth Day Challenge: Eliminate 2000 empty containers

Users of commercial cleaning products are being presented with new sales channels to purchase the products to maintain their facilities.  This article tackles a couple of big reasons why this is NOT a better way. In honor of 2018’s recent Earth Day on April 22nd, we set out to q

Buying commercial cleaning products from mass retailers? Pouring money down the drain.

It is surprising how many businesses are relying on purchasing commerical cleaning products from warehouse clubs, big box retailers, office paper suppliers, and online retailers.   In fact, these big companies are actively marketing cleaning products to businesses.   Problems?  D

Floor Care During the Winter Season

Salt, snow, ice, and other particulate soils that trail onto hard surface floors can be a never-ending battle for your customers during the winter season. Particulate soils can cause significant damage to hard floors due to its soil and grit. There are two main components to hard surf
Dispensing System for diluting chemicals

Dilution Control Equipment

There is a wide array of dilution control equipment manufactured by many different companies. The complexity between each of these dilution control systems can significantly differ between one another due to the equipment’s purpose. All chemical dispensers, however, use these basic pr

Dilution Control – Metering Tips

Metering tips are often used in dilution control equipment to regulate the mixing ratio between a concentrate and water. Other common way to regulate dilution control is to dilute the product by hand. Manual dilutions, however, can be time consuming and inaccurate. With a metering tip

Dilution Control and Saving Money

Industrial cleaning supplies can end up costing a lot of money if the cleaning product is misused. The key to saving money with cleaning large facilities, or with general cleaning, is the proper use of cleaning concentrates rather than using ready-to-use (RTU) products. RTU products c