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Infection Control – Create an Infection Control Program

With the start of cold and flu season quickly approaching, infection control should be a top priority in many facilities, particularly health care facilities. Last year the Ebola virus was the focus of many concerns, but C. Diff., MRSA, swine flu, bird flu, and the traditional Influen

Preparation for the Upcoming Flu Season

The flu season is just around the corner and here are a few things that can be done to prepare for it. To reduce one’s chances of becoming sick, one should: Wash hands with soap and scrub for 15-30 seconds. Always dry hands immediately – bacteria can be transferred more easily with da

Got Norovirus? Highly contagious virus shuts down schools in GA

Recently, the school system in Laurens County Georgia made the decision to close schools on a Friday because more than 100 students became ill.  The culprit believed to have caused the illness is the Norovirus, a highly contagious virus that causes acute gastrointestinal illnesses inc

EV-D68 Update: Prevention & Infection Control

Enteroviruses are common viruses that usually cause mild symptoms, such as the common cold. Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) is an enterovirus that reportedly infected children in 49 states in 2014, causing hospitalization in many cases. EV-D68 causes respiratory symptoms such as sneezing, co

Choosing The Right Disinfectant

A clean looking surface doesn’t necessarily mean it’s actually “clean”. For areas where disinfectants are regularly used, such as in the food service industry or hospitals, proper disinfectant choice is imperative. Choosing the right disinfectant is important because it can optimize d
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Norovirus Infection Control

Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that can be spread through contact with an infected person, an infected object, or through the air. It can also be spread through bodily fluids. Because Norovirus is so contagious, infection control procedures are essential to containing an outbr
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Develop An Infection Control Program

In the midst of cold and flu season, and with the Ebola outbreaks fresh in everyone’s mind, infection control is a top priority in many facilities, particularly health care facilities. While this year the Ebola virus has been the focus of many concerns, years past have seen C. D
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Disinfectants in Healthcare Facilities

In hospitals and healthcare facilities, infection control is arguably the most important part of the cleaning process. Hospitals are filled with patients with weakened immune systems and exposed surgical sites, and preventing the spread of potentially harmful pathogens, bacteria, and
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Update for the 2014-2015 Flu Season

According to the CDC, the 2014-2015 flu season could be severe. This is because of the H3N2 viruses that were analyzed from October 1st through November 22nd 2014, in the United States, 48% were antigenically similar to the H3N2 seasonal vaccine and 52% were antigenically different. I

Influenza (Flu) Infection Control

Getting the flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself from the influenza virus. Health officials recommend that a person receive a flu shot every year. This is because an antigenic drift, or a small change in the virus, can occur each year, resulting in a new strain. Despite bei