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Disinfecting Against the New Corona Virus Variants

New Corona Virus Variants Causing Concern Each day we are hearing in the news about the emergence of new virus strains of the human corona virus that causes COVID-19.  There are some indications the strains are more virulent and can produce more serious illness, creating concerns amon

How to make your own disinfecting wipes

How to make your own disinfecting wipes using Multi-Clean 128 E-Fecticide. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a severe shortage of disinfecting wipes.  The inability to get disinfecting wipes comes at a time when they are needed more than ever!  Many organizations have resorted to maki

Disinfecting Personal Items

Disinfecting and infection control is important in any facility, however, is critically important in hospitals and healthcare settings. Doctors and healthcare workers can treat multiple patients at a time. Since these facilities often contain people with weakened immune systems, prope