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Keeping Students Healthy with Electrostatic Sprayer E-Spray Disinfecting

Illnesses are Costly to Schools: Contagious Illness Impacts Student Performance After coming off the worst Flu season in more than two decades, school administrators continue to search for ways to keep students and staff healthy and reduce absenteeism. When students miss school due to

Electrostatic Technology Sprayers

Electrostatic technology has been around for a long time and is now common in the cleaning industry. It has helped improve cleaning methods for janitorial personnel. Hard to reach surfaces are made easier to clean with the capability of an electrostatic sprayer. Low and underneath sur

Norovirus Outbreaks in Schools – Infection Control

Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes the stomach and intestines to become inflamed. This leads to vomiting and diarrhea. Norovirus is often referred to as the stomach flu or food poisoning. Norovirus is spread by contaminated food and surfaces, and is especially contagio

Targeting Pathogens: Electrostatic Spraying of Disinfectant Solutions

Hospitals, nursing homes and other health care facilities continue to do battle with pathogens that can result in healthcare associated infections (HAIs).  Other public facilities such as schools can also be a breeding ground for pathogens like influenza and the common cold virus that