Phone: 651-481-1900

Green Floor Strippers

Floor strippers have historically been some of the most dangerous cleaning chemicals to work with. They can cause skin, eye, and respiratory irritation, and they can emit hazardous and irritating fumes. End users have begun to push for safer and more environmentally friendly strippers
picture of people walking across a shiny floor

Prolong the Life of Your Floor: Reduce Stripping

Floor stripping is one of the most costly and labor-intensive maintenance activities in any facility, not to mention environmental and health concerns with the chemicals and in some cases the time needed to shut down areas to traffic during maintenance. For all these reasons, we are a

Floor Care: Green Strippers

Floor strippers have historically been some of the most dangerous cleaning chemicals to work with. They can cause skin, eye, and respiratory irritation, and they can emit hazardous and irritating fumes. End users have begun to push for safer and more environmentally friendly strippers

Summer Floor Finish Tips

Summer is the perfect time to perform big floor maintenance jobs such as floor stripping and finishing. The dilemma with the summer season, however, is the added moisture in the air. Excessive moisture in the air can cause a floor finish not to cure properly. This can lead to watery f
picture of people walking across a shiny floor

Reducing Floor Stripping

Floor stripping is one of the most costly and labor-intensive maintenance activities in any facility, not to mention environmental and health concerns with the chemicals and in some cases the time needed to shut down areas to traffic during maintenance. For all these reasons, we are a