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Electrostatic Spray Application of Disinfectants in Healthcare

A New Tool For Healthcare to help prevent the spread of contagious illness and Healthcare Acquired Infections Illnesses which are Costly to Hospitals and Care Facilities: Hospitals, nursing homes and other care facilities have made great strides in reducing the spread of infectious il

Are “faster kill time” disinfectants needed?

Several new disinfectants have come onto the market (including several from Multi-Clean) promoting faster kill times for pathogens.  While this might offer a way for healthcare institutions to improve infection control, it may take the focus off the real problem, which is the frequenc
healthcare hallway

HAI’s – Infection Control

HAI stands for Healthcare Acquired Infection. This means that a patient enters a hospital for treatment and contracts an unrelated illness. HAI’s are spread through infected patients, infected surfaces, or through the hands of healthcare workers. Healthcare acquired infections are the
healthcare hallway

Infection Control – Create an Infection Control Program

With the start of cold and flu season quickly approaching, infection control should be a top priority in many facilities, particularly health care facilities. Last year the Ebola virus was the focus of many concerns, but C. Diff., MRSA, swine flu, bird flu, and the traditional Influen
healthcare hallway

CRE: Facts, Infection, & Prevention

Enterobacteriaceae are a group of bacteria that include Salmonella, E. coli, Klebsiella, and Enterobacter. These kinds of bacteria often can live inside the body as a normal part of the intestines. However, when they become resistant to certain antibiotics, they can cause serious infe
healthcare hallway

MRSA Infection & Disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a type of bacteria that causes common skin infections. Typically, it is easily treated with antibiotics. Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, is a strain of bacteria that has developed resistance to many of the common antibiotics used to treat

Ebola Virus Update

Ebola virus causes hemorrhagic fever in humans, which is a severe and often fatal disease. Symptoms, including headache, high fever, unexplained bleeding, and vomiting, may appear anywhere from 2 to 21 days after exposure to the virus; a person is only contagious when showing symptoms
Hospital floor with uniformed personnel

Healthcare Acquired Infections – HAI’s

HAI stands for Healthcare Acquired Infections. This means that a patient enters a hospital for treatment and contracts an unrelated illness. HAI’s are spread through infected patients, infected surfaces, or through the hands of healthcare workers. Healthcare acquired infections are th