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2015-2016 Flu Season

Getting the flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself from the influenza virus. Health officials recommend that a person receive the annual flu vaccine to become protected from the latest flu strain; an antigenic drift or a small change in the influenza virus can occur every yea

Hand Washing: Proper Hand Washing Techniques

Do you have proper hand washing techniques? Keeping hands clean is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. A study conducted by the Michigan State University indicated that about 5% of people properly washed their hands long enough to eliminate infection-caus

Janitorial Supplies, Commercial Cleaning Supplies and Green Cleaning Products at Multi-Clean, Inc.

Five Critical Elements of Better Infection Control for Your Cleaning Department Whether facing a localized outbreak of MRSA, a regional outbreak of viral meningitis or a global outbreak of pandemic influenza, cleaners can play an important front-line role in containing the spread. But

Hand Sanitizer Beneficial Inside the Restroom-Multi-Clean Sani-Foam Non-Alcohol Hand Sanitizer

The use of hand sanitizer, while popular, saw an increase three years ago, when the country experienced the 2009 H1N1 flu scare. Thankfully, the flu was not as deadly or widespread as feared, but the episode did underscore the need for greater public hand hygiene. With a heightened aw