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Outbreak 101: Dealing with Outbreaks of Illness in Schools

Whenever large numbers of people are in close proximity, there is an increased chance of spreading illness. This is especially true in schools, where one student illness can spread quickly enough to cause an outbreak.  For the most serious outbreaks, administrators may even choose to
healthcare hallway

Develop an Infection Control Program

With the start of cold and flu season quickly approaching, infection control should be a top priority in many facilities, particularly health care facilities. Recently the Ebola virus has been the focus of many concerns, but C. Diff., MRSA, swine flu, bird flu, and the traditional Inf

Workplace Sickness and Absences

Workplace sickness and absences can be challenging if you have to interact with sick workers throughout the day. According to a Cintas Corp. survey, 81% of Americans found that the act of wiping a runny nose on one’s hands or sleeve is the grossest workplace habit. The top five gross

Cleaning tips to keep people healthy during cold and flu season

One of the highest profile examples of how sanitation impacts business is the recent outrbreak of e-coli and norovirus illnesses at a major restaurant chain. The public company, valued at more than $20 billion, lost over a third of its value since the outbreaks were publicized. As cle

2015-2016 Flu Season

Getting the flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself from the influenza virus. Health officials recommend that a person receive the annual flu vaccine to become protected from the latest flu strain; an antigenic drift or a small change in the influenza virus can occur every yea

Hand Washing and Flu Season

Do you have proper hand washing techniques? Keeping hands clean is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs, bacteria and to protect yourself from becoming infected with the flu. A study conducted by Michigan State University indicated that about 5 percent of people properl

Got Norovirus? Highly contagious virus shuts down schools in GA

Recently, the school system in Laurens County Georgia made the decision to close schools on a Friday because more than 100 students became ill.  The culprit believed to have caused the illness is the Norovirus, a highly contagious virus that causes acute gastrointestinal illnesses inc

Influenza (Flu) Infection Control

Getting the flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself from the influenza virus. Health officials recommend that a person receive a flu shot every year. This is because an antigenic drift, or a small change in the virus, can occur each year, resulting in a new strain. Despite bei

Influenza (Flu) Infection & Disease

Flu season is just around the corner and understanding what the flu is can help protect you from becoming infected. Influenza (flu) is a highly contagious virus that causes respiratory illness. There are three types of influenza viruses: A, B, and C. Influenza A and B viruses are what

Keeping Kids Healthy During Cold & Flu Season

With flu season rapidly approaching, the spread of illness and frequency of absenteeism in schools becomes more common, disrupting productivity and wasting valuable time and resources. Schools have the responsibility of keeping their students and faculty healthy and safe, a task that