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Carpet Cleaning Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Carpet

Carpet cleaning mistakes can ruin your carpet. According to the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC), there are eight common carpet cleaning mistakes to avoid. Vigorously scrubbing a carpet stain. Not acting fast enough. Using the wrong cleaning prod

Interim Carpet Cleaning

  Interim carpet cleaning can be used to help keep carpets fresh and clean if regular vacuuming and spot cleaning isn’t doing enough. Just remember that interim cleaning should not be used if the carpet is heavily soiled. Otherwise dirt and soil could easily spread during the int

Proper Carpet Cleaning and Care

Proper carpet cleaning and care protects your carpet investment. According to the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI), carpet cleaning can be accomplished with a simple five-step routine. The practices below can help you maintain your carpet’s high quality look and feel. Soil containment.