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Foodborne Illness

Foodborne illness, or food poisoning, causes 48 million illnesses annually and can be attributed from eating contaminated food. The common viruses and bacteria that cause foodborne illness include E. Coli, Salmonella, Norovirus, Campylobacter, Listeria, and Clostridium Perfringens. Mo

Preventing Foodborne Illness

  Foodborne illness, or food poisoning, is an illness caused by food contaminated with microbes such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Food contamination can develop from, to name a few, unpasteurized foods, contaminated surfaces and workplace environment, and improper food ha

Norovirus – GII.17 Kawasaki

Norovirus causes food-related illnesses and is not to be mistaken as a respiratory illness because it does not spread through breathing or coughing. Norovirus spreads through contaminated food and surfaces. The norovirus strain, called GII.17 Kawasaki, began to show up in the United S

2015-2016 Flu Season

Getting the flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself from the influenza virus. Health officials recommend that a person receive the annual flu vaccine to become protected from the latest flu strain; an antigenic drift or a small change in the influenza virus can occur every yea

What is quat binding in disinfectants?

Quaternary ammonium chloride, or quat, is an active ingredient found in many disinfectants. When disinfectants are used at the correct dilution, quats are effective against bacteria and viruses. However, if quat binding occurs, quats can become very ineffective. Quat binding is when t
healthcare hallway

Develop An Infection Control Program

In the midst of cold and flu season, and with the Ebola outbreaks fresh in everyone’s mind, infection control is a top priority in many facilities, particularly health care facilities. While this year the Ebola virus has been the focus of many concerns, years past have seen C. D

Canine Parvovirus

Canine parvovirus is a highly contagious virus that affects dogs, not humans. Mortality rates for this virus can be as high as 50 – 80% in small dogs and puppies. Since vaccinations can prevent this virus, puppies that are not protected by maternal antibodies, have not been vaccinated
Hospital floor with uniformed personnel

Tuberculosis (TB) Infection Control

Tuberculosis is one of the most difficult pathogens to kill, and only a few types of disinfectants have TB claims, including phenolic disinfectants and some specialized quat/solvent blends. However, since TB is primarily spread through the air, not through surfaces, TB disinfectants d

Tuberculosis (TB) Infection & Disease

Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB usually affects the lungs, but can also affect the kidneys, spine, and brain. TB is spread through the air by coughing, sneezing, or speaking. TB is NOT spread through shaking hands, sharing food, or kissing.
Hospital floor with uniformed personnel

C Diff. (Clostridium Difficile) Prevention

C Diff. (Clostridium Difficile) has the unique ability to live in a dormant spore form, making it one of the most difficult pathogens to kill. C Diff. can also live for very long periods on surfaces, and is resistant to many disinfectants. The CDC has recommended a special procedure f