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Magnifying glass over a diagram of human corona virus

Differences between Bacteria and Viruses

  During the pandemic there has been a lot of interest and questions about disinfecting against various pathogens including the human corona virus SARS-COV-2, the cause of COVID-19. This blog post will shed some light on the differences between viruses and bacteria as it applies

Electrostatic Spraying: New Cleaning tools for more effective disinfecting and sanitizing

Disinfecting and sanitizing of surfaces is critical to prevent the spread of illness and disease. In schools, cold and flu season brings on a dramatic rise in absenteeism related to contagious illness.  Often overlooked, pathogens such as norovirus can quickly run rampant through a sc

Reducing your risk of getting sick at work

Reducing the risk of getting sick at work can be challenging if you have to interact with sick workers throughout the day. According to a Cintas Corp. survey, 81% of Americans found that the act of wiping a runny nose on one’s hands or sleeve is the grossest workplace habit. The top f