Phone: 651-481-1900

How to Remove Urine Stains and Urine Odors

Nothing smells worse than urine that has soaked into porous hard and soft surfaces.  Urine accidents can also leave ugly yellow stains on bedding, mattresses, clothing, upholstery, and carpets.  Understanding the cause of urine odors and stains can guide you to the right chemistry cap

Tackling Urine Odors in Restrooms

Urine odors in restrooms generally come from urine that does not make it into the bowl and ends up on the floor, walls, or sides of toilets and urinals. There, it becomes food for bacteria that reside on these surfaces. The byproducts created by the bacteria cause the odors that we re

Tackling Urine Odors in Restrooms

Urine odors in restrooms generally come from urine that does not make it into the bowl and ends up on the floor, walls, or sides of toilets and urinals. There, it becomes food for bacteria that reside on these surfaces. The byproducts created by the bacteria cause the odors that we re