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How to Disinfect Surfaces Against the Delta Variant Corona Virus

Just as things seemed to be getting back to a new normal and the pandemic was heading toward a final conclusion, a resurgence of COVID-19 is occurring in the U.S. due to the virus variant referred to as the DELTA Variant.  With emphasis on getting more people vaccinated, it is a good

Electrostatic Spray Disinfecting: Developing E-Spray procedures to do it properly

Electrostatic spray disinfecting during the corona virus pandemic has become all the rage.  Proper E-Spray Disinfecting starts with having documented procedures outlining the entire process.  This post dives into the development of standard operating procedures for electrostatic spray

Why Electrostatic Spray Disinfecting is better than fogging, misting or wide area spraying

Electrostatic Spray technology for disinfectant application is being widely adopted as a tool to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.  Now that the Delta Variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is causing a re-surgence of COVID-19 infections, disinfecting surfaces remains an important part in stoppin